The foundation of every nation is the family. KLIP International has a driving desire to see the family restored. We believe that one of the methods to effect this change is through education. As families, the church and the school work together, we will see a generation rise up to meet the challenges that await them and they will be able to go into society to be a catalyst for reformation.
The educational goal of KLIP International is to build in its students the character for self-government which is established upon their knowledge and love of God – a character of such strength and distinction as to enable one to rule himself by Biblical principles and to extend them into the home, church, market place, local government and the nation.
The rudiments of individual subjects are introduced in the earliest years and expanded upon throughout the elementary grades. From these future generations, it is hoped America may once again promote and support the Gospel in its institutions, which would supply and send forth into the world effective ministers and missionaries of the Gospel.
"And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3
“The end of all learning is to know God and out of that knowledge, to love and imitate Him.” John Milton
KLIP International trains its students to be future leaders and workers in the kingdom of God, who display Christian character and exert Biblical influence in every sphere of society. Additionally, KLIP trains national and international teachers in the principles of Biblical education. Once their internship is completed, these teachers will return to their perspective area or country and begin a school of their own.