"The end of all learning is to know God and out of that knowledge love and imitate Him."
-John Milton
We believe education is vital to the prosperity and direction a family, community, state and nation takes. The education of one generation will produce the governments, businesses, philosophies, and institutions of the next. The school's success as not only a school but a teacher training facility is dependent upon the partnership of like minded individuals, businesses and churches like you. KLIP is a ministry for the families of our community, state and the nations who desire to see their children educated in Biblical principles and know the value of being educated in a Christian environment. Would you become a KLIP Financial Partner and join us in seeing our nation and the nations of the world transformed through Biblical education?

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
-Abraham Lincoln
KLIP functions as an ministry of Blessing the Nations Church and an extension of Apostolic Teams International, both bonafide 501-C3, non-profit organizations. All donations can be made to Apostolic Teams International (EIN# 41-2222499) and are tax deductible. You can read more about Apostolic Teams International on their website at www.apostolicteams.com