Do you want to intern at KLIP and learn how to educate generations for the kingdom of God?

The vision for KLIP has always been to produce not only outstanding students, but also teachers who will take hold of the vision of Biblical Education and take it to the extremes of both our nation and the globe. While there is a great deal that can be learned through classroom instruction, we believe there must also be time for one on one discussion with teachers and time to apply what you learn about teaching. In teaching, there must always be an understanding of both the "how" and "why". Without the "why" you will follow whatever stream is thought to be most popular or effective at the time. Without the "how", you may try and try but never truly lead a child to understanding the subjects God has given us and how each one reveals our Creator more and more.
If what you have seen and heard stirs your heart for students of the US and nations abroad, then please contact us. Part of calling is to connect with others who have a passion for children and education. While there are a few requirements each applicant must pass, we try to treat each one individually, taking into account their strengths, weaknesses, life experiences, hopes, visions, and what we believe the Lord is speaking to us. While we always desire to grow, KLIP carries the weight of our children's education as a most serious responsibility. It is no small deed when a parent allows you hours of influence in their child's life on a daily basis.
Interns would train for the summer and then continue their training while also gaining valuable in class experience throughout the school year. If you would like more details, email our director Joshua Vaughn at joshua@klipintl.com We would love to hear from you and are more than willing to answer any questions.